Sunday, May 26, 2013

Water balloons

I told Anna I'd give her water balloons but she'd have to play with them outside. The goal was really to get them both outside, and it worked. I think they view water balloons as simply an interesting variant on a regular balloon, instead of as a weapon of battle. Perhaps I'll introduce them to that later this summer when it's really hot out. Given that they were just playing with them and not having a battle, I was curious as to how long the balloons would last.

A couple of hours later there were two balloons (out of four) left. Anna and her friend E were having a lot of trouble actually getting those two to break. Throwing them at the ground didn't work. This picture is Anna still attempting to break the last one with E's help, while M plays in the puddle left by E's balloon and Victor looks on from the side.

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